1. Let X1,…,Xn be a random sample from a continuous (i.e., an absolutely continuous) distribution F(x). Find the distribution of the ith order statistics X(1),…,X(n).
(解答) First, integral with respect to x1: ∫−∞∞n!f(x1)…f(xn)1(x1<…<xn)dx1,
which can be rewritten as: =∫−∞x2n!f(x1)…f(xn)1(x2<…<xn)dx1.
Therefore, we have: n!F(x2)f(x2)f(x3)…f(xn)1(x2<…<xn).
Repeating the above procedure, we obtain after computing ∫(…)dxi−1:
Second, we integral with respect to xn: ∫xn−1∞n!(i−1)!1F(xi)i−1f(xi)f(xi+1)…f(xn)1(xi<…<xn−1)dxn.
And we obtain: n!(i−1)!1F(xi)i−1f(xi)f(xi+1)…f(xn−1)(1−F(xn−1))1(xi<…<xn−1).
By repeating this procedure, we eventually obtain: (i−1)!(n−i)!n!F(xi)i−1f(xi)(1−F(xi))n−i.
(補充) 如果你對自己算出來的答案沒有把握,可以代入i=n,檢查你的答案是否合理。
(1) Find the limiting distribution of T∼tν, a t distribution with ν degrees of freedom, when ν→∞.
(2) Find the distribution of X1+X2X1 when X1,X2 independently follow χν12 and χν22.
By a variable transformation, we have: =∫0<t<1,u>0g(t,u)Γ(n/2)Γ(m/2)(tu)n/2−1(u(1−t))m/2−1exp(−2u)udu.
By a simple rearrangement, we further obtain: =∫0<t<1,u>0g(t,u)Be(n/2,m/2)tn/2−1(1−t)m/2−1Γ((n+m)/2)u(n+m)/2−1exp(−2u)du,
which implies that the joint p.d.f of (T,U) is: Be(n/2,m/2)tn/2−1(1−t)m/2−11(0,1)(t)⋅Γ((n+m)/2)u(n+m)/2−1exp(−2u)1(0,∞)(u).
So (T,U) are independently follow a Beta distribution and a Chi-square distribution. We conclude that T∼Beta(n/2,m/2).
3. Let U∣T=t∼Unif(0,t) and suppose that the marginal distribution of T is an exponential family with rate λ. Find E[U] and V[U].
4. Let X1,…,Xn∼iidN(μ,σ2) where μ,σ2 are unknown parameters and let Φ(⋅) stand for the CDF of the standard normal distribution. Find the maximum likelihood estimator for Φ(σx−μ) and its asymptotic distribution for a given x∈R.
(解答) First, we find the maximum likelihood estimators for (μ,σ2). The likelihood function is given by:
So the log-likelihood function is: ℓ(μ,σ2)=−2nln(2πσ2)−2σ21i=1∑n(xi−μ)2.
For fixed σ2>0, consider the maximization of ℓ(μ,σ2): ∂μ∂ℓ=σ2n(xˉ−μ),
from which we can see that ℓ(,˙σ2) attain the maximum value at μ=xˉ.
Next, consider the maximization of ℓ(xˉ,σ2):
from which we can see that ℓ(xˉ,σ2) attains the maximum value at σ2=n1∑i=1n(xi−xˉ)2.
So we conclude that the maximum likelihood estimators for (μ,σ2) are: (μ,σ2)=(xˉ,n1i=1∑n(xi−xˉ)2).
Next, we consider the asymptotic distribution for (μ,σ2).
Note that n(μ−μ)∼N(0,1), so the asymptotic distribution is also N(0,1).
To consider the asymptotic distribution of σ2, recall that ∑i=1n(xi−xˉ)2∼σ2⋅χn−12. When Y1,…,Yn−1∼iidσ2⋅χ1, the distribution of ∑i=1n(xi−xˉ)2 is identical with that of ∑i=1n−1Yi2.
So we can consider the asymptotic distribution of n1∑i=1n−1Yi2 to find the asymptotic distribution of σ2. By the Central Limit Theorem, we have:
Therefore, we also have:
By the Basu’s Theorem, we also have μ,σ2 are mutually independent. (One is a complete sufficient statistic for μ, and the other is ancillary.) So we obtain:
Finally, consider the following fuction and its Taylor expansion at y=θ, where y=def(y1,y2)⊤ and θ=def(μ,σ2)⊤:
5. Let X1,…,Xn∼iidf(x∣θ) where f(x∣θ)=θxθ−11(0,1)(x). Find the UMVUE for θ and its asymptotic distribution.
6. Let X1,…,Xn∼iidN(μ,σ2) be a random sample where μ,σ2 are unknown parameters. Find a size α unbiased test for the hypotheses H0:θ∈[θ1,θ2] vs H1:θ∈/[θ1,θ2].
7. Let X1,…,Xn∼iidN(μ,σ2) be a random sample where μ,σ2 are unknown parameters. Derive the power function of the size α likelihood ratio test for the hypotheses H0:θ≤θ0 vs H1:θ>θ0.