台大應數所(碩士班) 110年度一般考試 機率統計解答

1. Let T be a failure time with support \{t_1, \ldots, t_n,\ldots\} and let \lambda_i \stackrel{\rm def}{=} P(T=t_i \mid T\geq t_i). Write down f(t_i) \stackrel{\rm def}{=} P(T=t_i), S(t_i)\stackrel{\rm def}{=}P(T>t_i)~(i=1,2,\ldots) in terms of \lambda_j‘s.

For simiplicity, we denote f_i \stackrel{\rm def}{=} f(t_i),~ S_i \stackrel{\rm def}{=} S(t_i),.

Note that

\lambda_i = \frac{f_i}{S_{i-1}}.

Thus, we have:

S_{i-1} = \frac{f_i}{\lambda_i}.

Furthermore, S_{i-1}- S_i = f_i . So we have:

f_i = S_{i-1}-S_i = \frac{f_i}{\lambda_i} - \frac{f_{i+1}}{\lambda_{i+1}}.

By a simple rearrangement, we obtain:

\frac{f_{i+1}}{f_i} = \frac{\lambda_{i+1}}{\lambda_i} (\lambda_i - 1).

By considering \prod_{i=1}^{n-1} (\cdot), we have

\frac{f_{n}}{f_1} = \frac{\lambda_{n}}{\lambda_1} \prod_{i=1}^{n-1}(\lambda_i - 1).

Since \lambda_1 = f_1, we have:

f_n = \lambda_n \prod_{i=1}^{n-1}(\lambda_i - 1).

And we also have:

S_n = \prod_{i=1}^{n}(\lambda_i - 1).

2. Let X and Y be mutually indepenent and (absolutely) continuous random variables with probability density funtions f_X(x) and f_Y(y). Derive the probability density function ofY conditioning X-Y=0.

(方法) 首先考慮 (Y, X-Y)的聯合分布。有了聯合分布,我們就可以算條件分布。

(解答) Recall that a distribution of (X,Y) is characterized by an expected value of g(X,Y) where g(\cdot) is an arbitrary bounded continuous function. We would like to first find the joint distributon of (Y,X-Y).

Let W \stackrel{\rm def}{=} Y, \quad Z \stackrel{\rm def}{=} X-Y . Note that that X = W+Z, \quad Y=W.

Consider the expected value of g(W,Z) where g is an arbitrary bounded continuous function.

E[g(W,Z)] = E[g(Y,X-Y)] = \int_{\mathbb{R}^2} g(y,x-y) f_X(x)f_Y(y)dxdy

By a variable transformation, the above integral is written by

E[g(W,Z)] \stackrel{\rm eq}{=} \int_{\mathbb{R}^2} g(w,z) f_X(w+z)f_Y(w)dwdz,

which implies that the joint probability density function of (W,Z) is

f_{WZ}(w,z) \stackrel{\rm eq}{=} f_X(w+z)f_Y(w).

Therefore the marginal distribution of Z is

f_{Z}(z) \stackrel{\rm eq}{=} \int_{\mathbb{R}}f_X(w+z)f_Y(w)dw.

The conditional probability density funcion W \mid Z is

f_{W\mid Z}(w\mid z) \stackrel{\rm eq}{=} \frac{f_X(w+z)f_Y(w)}{\int_{\mathbb{R}}f_X(w+z)f_Y(w)dw}.

Finally, put w \leftarrow y, z \leftarrow 0 and we will obtain the desired distribution.


In this problem, it is necessary to assuem that R^2 \sim \chi^2_{(2)} to answer the 2nd question. So we assume that R^2 \sim \chi^2_{(2)} in the 2nd part.



